Not-So-Strange Love.
SYSPRO has been a titan in the manufacturing ERP software industry for 30+ years. But recently, much larger companies with far deeper pockets have begun to attack SYSPRO’s market share.
To fight back, we created a campaign that dramatically highlights SYSPRO’s astounding 98% customer retention rate — and hammer home their commitment to outstanding manufacturing outcomes everyone will love.
Jonathan’s Posts
01.15.2025 The Royal Treatment Women Deserve.
03.25.2024 Ineffective Advertising is a Climate Crime.
02.08.2024 BlackWing Will Weigh in on the World’s Best Creative Work.
The imagery says it all.
Manufacturing ad campaigns are almost universally predictable and staid. By combining blissful people with the products they build, we created a campaign that can't be ignored or forgotten. This work will be extended globally in 2019.